European Commission - MEMO/08/721 - 19 November 2008:
ls"The EU Education, Youth and Culture Council will meet on 20-21 November 2008 in Brussels. The Council will hold a public debate on internet and culture and adopt conclusions on the European Digital Library Europeana as well as creative content online and combating digital piracy. After the audiovisual items, the ministers will, at the invitation of Commissioner for Information Society and Media Viviane Reding and French Minister for Culture and Communication Christine Albanel, attend the official launch ceremony of Europeana at the Belgian Royal Library at the Palais de Charles de Lorraine.'
Collections Trust, 20 November 2008:
ls"Europe's digital library, museum and archive, Europeana, was launched to the public today. It attracted so much interest that its website was swamped within the first few hours. Europeana had expected, after taking expert advice, to get peaks of 5 million hits per hour. However the real figure was 3 times this.'
Blog Against the Grain, 21 September 2010:
acute;Colleagues from Europe's galleries, libraries, archives and museums - GLAMs - will hear about innovations in their sector from Wikipedia and Google at the annual Europeana conference, Open Culture 2010, in Amsterdam on the 14-15 October.'
Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, 13 October 2010:
acute;Europeana is the EU's most visible expression of our digital heritage. In less than three years,
Europeana has established itself as a reference point for European culture on the internet. It reflects
the ambition of Europe's cultural institutions to make our common and diverse cultural heritage more widely accessible to all.acute;
Europeana, Strategic Plan 2011-2015, January 2011:
ls"Europeana will become outmoded if it is not renewed through access to 20th and 21st century material. To ensure such access, more concerted efforts are needed at a European level
to deal with orphan works and rights harmonisation. Secondly, it is vital that the digitisation of Europe's cultural and intellectual record is accelerated. Thirdly, long-term funding needs to be secured for both Europeana and the ecosystem of content providers and aggregators that
supplies its lifeblood.'
Jonathan Gray, The Guardian, 12 September 2012:
ls"Today Europeana is opening up data about all 20 million of the items it holds under the CC0 rights waiver. This means that anyone can re-use the data for any purpose - whether using it to build applications to bring cultural content to new audiences in new ways, or analysing it to improve our understanding of Europe''s cultural and intellectual history.'
Aimee Farrell, Vogue UK, 18 February 2013:
ls"A public archive of Europe''s extensive fashion history will soon become available from 2 May with the launch of a website called Cultural institutions from 12 different countries - including London''s Victoria and Albert Museum and Paris'' Les Arts Deacute;coratifs - will provide artefacts for the online project which will feature 100,000 digital elements.
Users will be able to search the archives by date, designer, item or keyword to find a particular image, accompanied by information about the respective item - whether a catwalk shot, a museum exhibition, a show invitation, a magazine clipping or biography. By March 2015, the project''s organisers aim to have a total of 700,000 fashion artefacts available to view.'
EMA - European Museum Academy, Motivation for giving the EMA Prize to Europeana, 19 September 2013:
ls"Europeana is dynamically involved in a context whose cultural, technological, political and economic horizons are rapidly changing. Europeana has also changed, and its evolving identity is maintained through a continuous realignment with new constraints and contemporary challenges. Examples are projects like Europeana Fashion and Europeana Creative, which are outlining innovative relationships between cultural institutions and creative industries. Europeana is projecting itself into the cultural landscape of tomorrow, through a wide and constant dialogue with its network, cultural institutions and new cultural actors, like Wikipedia. Europeana is searching its path in the digital world by using new tools, finding new partners and experimenting innovative models of participation. This daring and stimulating vision is the heritage of Europeana - it is something which should be shared, endorsed and actively sustained.'
Europeana, Business Plan 2014, 3 December 2013:
ls"Transition from portal to platform. This means less focus on inviting individuals to explore their heritage in a pre-defined way on the portal and much more on developing communities who re-use the data, content, knowledge and technology that Europeana and its partners make available for them. This shift is essential to enable a future that will be read-write,
where you will be able to take and give back to your community.'
Monika Gruuml;tters, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, 29 January 2014:
ls"Among the numerous projects the Federal Government of Germany is initiating and financially supporting during the current centenary 2014, Europeana 1914-1918 is a highlight due to its pan-European dimension. It shows the stark difference between the European disruptions of that time and our way of cooperating nowadays. It is vital for the Government to point out, especially to young people, that today's Europe is a union based on shared values, policies and justice. That's the best way to avoid the wars, terror and fragmentation that Europe suffered in the 20th century. We don't just want to show historical events, we want to use them for the present and the future. The Europeana project will help shape our views of that time and it will make a great contribution to the mutual understanding of the European people, despite the conflicts of history.'
Open Education Europa, 20 February 2014:
ls"Platforms like Historiana and Europeana 1914-18 are examples of excellent educational resources for history, heritage and citizenship education. These online platforms allow access to millions of media resources, such as historical sources that can be used in the classroom.'
Agro-Know Blog, 2 May 2014:
ls"A few weeks ago, a small team of 4 Agro-Knowers started working on their application for the Europeana Creative Natural History Challenge. The Natural History track is among the first Challenges launched by Europeana Creative, with the aim to "identify, incubate and spin off into the commercial sector viable online applications based on the re-use of digital cultural heritage content accessible via Europeana", an impressive online source of cultural heritage, from paintings, drawings and maps to newspapers, letters, music, radio broadcasts and much more. The event was hosted at The EGG in Brussels, an impressive hub of over 15.000m sq. dedicated to creativity and innovation and organised under the umbrella of the New Frontiers for European Entrepreneurs Event (NFFEE), organised by ACE, EUHUB and others.'