Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation: The Secret Life of Portlligat. Salvador Dalí's House

Fiona Mata

Coordinator, Centre for Dalinian Studies

Lucia Moni

Coordinator, Centre for Dalinian Studies

Dalí Museum

Centre d’Estudis Dalinians - Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí Pujada del Castell, 28 17600 Figueres Spain

AVICOM F@IMP Long Film Gold 2017

The Life of a Man Who Stole a Landscape

The documentary Dali's Last Masterpiece took us inside the enigmas of the artistrs"s last great work, his Theatre-Museum in Figueres, The Secret Life of Portlligat. Following on from this, Salvador Dali's House invites us to discover Dalis life and work in relation to his house at Portlligat, the only permanent studio of his own he ever had, and its exceptional setting in a landscape that inspired and influenced him profoundly.


The house, every inch of which is studio, is the key to understanding Daliacute;'s cosmogony. This is where he experimented, and also the sacred place where he worked every day, obsessively. Art was Dali's passion, his vital choice.

It is Salvador Dali himself who guides us on this journey into a very particular geography. This film is aimed at all audiences, from the general public to those who want to delve more deeply into little-known aspects of the artistis life.

The hosts of this trip couldnit be better presenters: Montse Aguer, Director of the Dali Museums, and Jordi Artigas, head of the Salvador Dali House-Museum in Portlligat.


The house is presented through Dalis artworks and vast archive material (manuscripts, letters, photographs, audio-visual material etc.), much of it little-known or even unpublished, that the artist gathered along his lifetime which is held at the Centre for Dalinian Studies of the Fundacio Gala-Salvador Dali, absolutely aware of the value of historic memory that needs to be preserved, enriched and divulged.


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