Hungarian National Museum: GuideNow - Extended Multimedia Guide System

Gábor Szabó

Head, Productuion, VARyou Digital

Guide Now

Bartók Béla street 105-113. 5/B/I 1115 Budapest Hungary

AVICOM Prize for Mobile Application Gold Award 2018


For the Personal Experience



GuideNow is a complex, dynamically expandable, easy-to-use multimedia guide system. Visitors can easily access exhibition contents via their own smart devices. They no longer have to queue to use old-fashioned audio guides. Our interactive multimedia guide offers them a more comfortable, personal and improved visitor experience. In 2018 this multimedia guide system gained a gold medal in the mobile application category at the F@IMP 2.0 organized by AVICOM in Germany.


GuideNow has been designed to minimize installation resources and to provide a simple and state-of-the-art service. Multimedia content may contain text, audio, image, animation, video, augmented reality. All related exhibitions are equally accessible, so there is no need to develop customized applications for each exhibition or museum. The system ensures that multimedia exhibition contents can only be accessed on the spot. Museums can centralize uploading materials via a transparent administration interface at their disposal, greatly simplifying the overall management of exhibition materials.



GuideNow in practice

Museums connected to the GuideNow system receive continuous feedback on visitors' satisfaction and habits. The app records e.g. how many visitors connected to which exhibition, what language they chose, which audio materials they listened to, as well as the exact time and length of their connection. Statistics and graphs are also available for the museums which helps them profiling the visitors and thus improve the exhibitions. The application also allows museums to send push notifications about new exhibitions, activities, campaigns and other important issues. Indoor navigation, social media connection, and educational games can also be integrated.




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