The Football Museum, located in the Pacaembu Stadium, São Paulo, Brazil, seeks to engage its visitors differently by presenting football as a fundamental part of the Brazilian identity. In 2019, the Museum's Education department was approached by researcher Carlos Chechetti, who had become aware of a project at the Scottish Football Museum that worked on the relationship of affective memory of objects, events and football characters with people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Chechetti proposed to start a similar project in Brazil.
Museu do Futebol
That same year, the Football Museum started the “Revivendo Memórias” project (Reviving Memories). People with Alzheimer's or dementia were accompanied by their families for educational visits planned especially for them. The project seeks to rescue affective memories and encourage interaction and sociability of participants based on themes present in the museum's exhibitions, bringing affection and listening to this audience.
The visits, which were very well-rated, would also take place in 2020. But the Covid-19 pandemic would not allow this. With the need for isolation, the Education Department and Chechetti quickly articulated an alternative: online sessions for participants. By embracing the elderly and people with Alzheimer's at this moment, the Museum developed a social technology aimed at the inclusion and engagement of an isolated public in need of attention and exchanges. With the end of the pandemic, the project takes place in the Museum and online and is currently updating its methodologies.
Online session of the project_Credit Jose Rodrigues Neto